For 10 years Veganuary has inspired and supported millions of people to try vegan through their 31-day pledge. People across the world participate in the challenge to eat a vegan diet in January and we want to support your participation!
Something that greatly helped Craig and I was when we realized that veganism opened our world up to trying new foods and new recipes. We discovered the joys of jackfruit, seitan, mushrooms, tempeh, and yes, tofu. In fact, before going vegan I thought I hated tofu and now I proudly have a "tofu-eating radical" tattoo. So whether you're inspired to try a vegan diet to help animals, protect the environment or improve your health, let's make it easy.
That's why we're launching our Great Vegan Cookbook Giveaway!
*Yes, this is maybe a similar logo of the Great British Bakeoff, plz don't sue :)
We have over 40 vegan cookbooks to give away to those who have signed up for Veganuary, are newly vegan, or just vegan-curious! There are no entry requirements for sharing or tagging. You don't even have to ask us. Simply add the cookbooks on our website to your cart and select a business partner location for pick up. Then, by December 21st they'll be ready to pick up. You can even gift one as a Christmas present and try the challenge with a friend or family member.
We hope you'll consider signing up for Veganuary this January - let us know if you do, we'd love to hear about your experience!
Bonus Resources